Notice to potential Certified Professional Ergonomists (CPEs)
The Human Factors and Ergonomics (HFE) Professional Affairs Board (PAB) in Australia has recently adopted the International Ergonomics Association (IEA) HFE competencies as its benchmark. Consequently the PAB Certification Committee has just commenced a review to ensure that that its processes and standards are compatible with these.
As a result, from 8 May 2024, the PAB will not accept any new applications until this action has been completed. We expect that some changes will be required and these will take up to six months to compile and endorse. The PAB does not anticipate too many changes in what an applicant is required to submit, although the assessment process might change a little.
In the meantime the PAB suggests that any person wishing to submit an application for Certification starts compiling the evidence that is required under the current system and prepare a draft portfolio of the work that you intend to submit. The PAB will post a notice on the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of Australia’s (HFESA’s) website and in the regular Member updates when its work on this has been completed and the new guidelines have been prepared. It will then be able to accept applications under the new Rules.
For admission to Certified Professional Ergonomist, the applicant must have:
- Completed an education program which provides a comprehensive set of ergonomics competencies
- Expertise in ergonomics demonstrated through the provision of at least one major work sample, to be submitted within a 2 year period prior to the CPE application, supported by one or more work samples or products of smaller magnitude
- A minimum of four years of full-time practice in human factors & ergonomics or the part-time equivalent
If you meet the above criteria, then you can apply to become a CPE.
The HFESA Professional Affairs Board (PAB) accepts free-form CPE applications which address the CPE rules which can be read here. Please pay special attention to sections 4.0 and 4.1.1.
It is also necessary for the applicant to provide suitable references to the PAB so they can validate the content of the application.
Standard benefits included:
- Society Directory listing (member to member search)
- Networking opportunities with ergonomics/human factors professionals for the exchange of scientific and professional practice information
- Reduced registration fees Professional Development (PD) events and meetings, webinar/online PD events and Special Interest Group meetings
- Vote at Society meetings
- Discounts from book and journal publishers
- The option for professional indemnity insurance tailored for ergonomists/human factors professionals
- Fortnightly HFESA Connect e-newsletter with latest events and news
- Discounted Annual Conference registration (two conferences held annually)
- Conference Proceedings
- Membership Certificate
- Complimentary Special Interest Group membership
- Able to hold office
Specific benefits included:
- CPE as post nominals
- Membership Certificate
- Public Directory listing (optional)
Membership Period: From 16th Feb 25 To 30th Jun 2026