Membership Benefits

Improved Networking Opportunities
Joining HFESA is an excellent opportunity to meet other HFE professionals. Our Annual Conference provides an informal setting to meet new people and catch up with peers and HFE professionals. There are a number of state and regional groups operating around the country. The groups hold regular meetings, often with guest speakers, and provide an
opportunity to meet local professionals and learn something at the same time.

HFESA Annual Conferences
HFESA members pay a reduced registration fee to attend the HFESA Annual Conference. This is
the largest HFESA event each year – three days of presentations and workshops covering all aspects of HFE and related fields. The annual
conference is a great opportunity to learn about new topics in HFE and developments in existing research areas. The social activities at the conference provide an opportunity to get to know other professionals and to catch up with old friends in a relaxed setting.

Increased credibility amongst other professionals, clients and employers
HFESA is the only professional society in Australia dedicated solely to HFE professionals. Being a member of the Society indicates to colleagues, clients and potential employers that you have a dedicated interest in HFE and /or are a qualified and respected professional. Many employers now specifically ask for Certified Professional Members of the Society.

Professional Indemnity Insurance
HFESA has worked closely with the Professional Associations team at Arthur J Gallagher, the fourth largest insurance and risk management firm in the world, to identify and develop professional indemnity and public liability insurance cover that addresses the needs of our members.

Certified Professional Member Directory
HFESA maintains a membership directory of Certified Professional Ergonomists (CPEs) and CPEs who are HFE Specialists that are accessible to potential clients.
Members-only access to the On-Line Member Directory
HFESA Members have access to the Member Directory that includes hundreds of other HFE professionals in Australia. The directory lists each member of the Society, their contact details and areas of specialisation.
HFESA members have access to the HFESA Connect, a regular newsletter including society news, professional development opportunities, conference notices, and advertisements for HFE positions, products or services.

Seminars, Courses and Lectures
HFESA members have access to a large variety of professional development events all over the country both face to face and via webinar.
Raising the Profile of Human Factors and Ergonomics
HFESA produces regular podcasts on HFE available at or on your favourite podcast app to promote the field of HFE and the work of the HFESA to the wider community and its members.
The Professional Affairs board for the society accredits and maintains professionals as part of their certification system Applications are assessed free of charge. (Conditions apply for eligibility – refer to the Membership Matrix for additional information.

Job Vacancies
Job vacancies are emailed to members and advertised on the website.
HFESA runs a mentoring program for aspiring early career professionals, and those CPE’s who have completed the requirements of active membership, education and practice.
OzCHI Annual Conference
The HFESA Computer Human Interaction Special Interest Group (CHISIG) holds a major annual conference called OZCHI.

HFESA advocates for its members on various Government, Standards and HFE and safety initiatives, forums and media activities.

Affiliation and post-nominals
Full Members can use the affiliation MHFESA and Certified Professional Ergonomists can use the post-nominals CPE. These affiliations can be added to your business card, letterhead and CV to indicate that you are a qualified and professionally recognised HFE professional. Fellows, Certified Professional Ergonomists, Members and Retired full Members may apply to the HFESA Board to use the HFESA logo on their promotional material to indicate that they are recognised by the Society.