
Non HFESA Event


28/10/2019 , 9:00 am - 4:30 pm (Localtime)

Anthropometry Applied to Wearable Product Design, Washington, US


9:00 am - 4:30 pm


Bookings closed


Event Type

You are invited to attend an exciting workshop on how to effectively design wearable products and improve the bottom-line.  This is a one-time hands-on workshop with a maximum of 40 attendees.  The instructors come from 4 continents, (Europe, North America, Africa, and Australia) and bring a global commerce perspective.

Where: Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (HFES) Conference in Seattle USA
When: Monday 28th October 2019.
Title: “Anthropometry Applied to Wearable Product Design”
Presenters are Kathleen Robinette, Sandra Alemany, Karen Bredenkamp and Daisy Veitch.


About the workshop: Many technology advances have been made since the 2004 publication of the HFES 300 Committee’s “Guidelines for Using Anthropometric Data in Product Design”.  For example, we now have 3D printing for rapid prototyping, inexpensive 3D scanning for fit visualization, and virtual or augmented reality for experiencing product concepts.  These advances have enabled the use of anthropometric methods in product development that were previously too time consuming or expensive.  This workshop will present up-to-date best practices and cover the product development process from the first statistical models to the final product using recent examples and success stories from the wearable product and apparel industries.   It will be presented in five parts corresponding to the design loop of the Systems Engineering (SE) Process: 1) introduction to anthropometry, cases, fit and SE, 2) statistics for anthropometry, identification of cases and prototype development, 3) human modeling, CAD and prototyping, 4) fit mapping with hands-on fit assessment, and 5) statistics for cost/benefit analysis and size selection.   Data analysis will be done during the workshop, and an Excel™ data file with 58 anthropometric and demographic variables on 2379 North American subjects will be provided to all attendees.  SPSS™ and Excel™ software will be used in the course and some SPSS code files will be provided in text form for students to use after the workshop.  Attendees will also receive an electronic copy of the HFES’ guidelines book.  Fit mapping of a glove will be done during the workshop and attendees will be provided with a copy of the fit data as well as the data collection forms used.   Participants will want to bring a laptop computer preferably with Microsoft Office™, particularly Excel™ for the best experience.  Experienced designers, engineers, and human factors professionals will get the most out of the workshop.


Bookings are closed for this event.

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