Full-time student membership is open to full-time students of ergonomics or of a related discipline who supports the Society and its Aim and abides by the Code of Practice.
Standard benefits included:
- Society Directory listing (member to member search only)
- Networking opportunities with ergonomics/human factors professionals for the exchange of scientific and professional practice information
- Reduced registration fees Professional Development (PD) events and meetings, webinar/online PD events and Special Interest Group meetings
- Discounts from book and journal publishers
- Fortnightly HFESA Connect e-newsletter with latest events and news
- Discounted Annual Conference registration (two conferences held annually)
- Conference Proceedings
- Membership Certificate
- Complimentary Special Interest Group membership
Restrictions of membership level:
- Part-time Students are not eligible
- Cannot hold office
- Cannot vote at any Society meeting
Please note that proof of Full-time Student status is required in order to finalise your membership, this can be in the form of a copy of a student card or enrolment notice.
Please complete the application form and upload your proof of Full-time student status.
Membership Period: Expire Depend on student proof .