
A Personal Journey in Human Centred Design

The Humans Factors and Ergonomic Society of Australia (HFESA) hasRead More ►

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Brief definition of Human Factors and Ergonomics?

Human Factors and Ergonomics (HFE) is the scientific discipline concernedRead More ►

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Identifying and Managing Psychosocial Hazards at Work

The Humans Factors and Ergonomic Society of Australia (HFESA) hasRead More ►

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Digital Health System Optimisation in Australia

The Humans Factors and Ergonomic Society of Australia (HFESA) hasRead More ►

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Technology Adoption in Manufacturing and Usability Testing

The Humans Factors and Ergonomic Society of Australia (HFESA) hasRead More ►

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HFE in the Flight Deck Simulator

The Humans Factors and Ergonomic Society of Australia (HFESA) hasRead More ►

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Proceed as if success is inevitable

The Humans Factors and Ergonomic Society of Australia (HFESA) hasRead More ►

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HFE and the Design of the C30 Bombardier Train in Sweden

The Humans Factors and Ergonomic Society of Australia (HFESA) hasRead More ►

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Optimising the Interaction Between Users and Automated Systems

22/05/2019 @ 8:45 am – 11:45 pm – Public Transport Victoria’s Human Factors Team and the Transport Special Interest Group at the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of Australia invite you to a morning of talks on the application of human factors methods and research to inform the integration of users and automated systems. Morning Talks Rail operations in Australia are on the […]

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Find Expertise

Members of HFESA are HFE professionals with tertiary qualifications inRead More ►

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HUMAN FACTORS AND ERGONOMICS Connecting human capabilities with good designRead More ►

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Ron Cummings Memorial Lecture Award 2023 – Dr Sara Pazell

If you missed the 2023 HFESA annual conference in AdelaideRead More ►

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Ergonomists At Work

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What Is An Ergonomist?

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Good Work Design is a Journey

The Humans Factors and Ergonomic Society of Australia (HFESA) hasRead More ►

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National PD Event – Emerging frontiers in Healthcare HFE

18/05/2022 @ 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm – Presenter  Dr. Satyan Chari, Program Director CEQ Bridge Labs, Senior Faculty Healthcare Improvement Fellowship Program, Honorary Research Fellow Allied Health at Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital. Synopsis As a complex, high-risk and safety-critical endeavour, the healthcare sector continues to lag woefully behind other industries in its adoption and deployment of Human Factors and Ergonomics principles, […]

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HFESA 2021 Virtual Conference

08/11/2021 – 09/11/2021 @ 12:00 am – HFESA2021 will be a Virtual Conference  – for details The theme of the HFESA 2021 Conference is ‘Human Factors in our Changing World’ ​We live in a world marked by massive global changes, moving us rapidly into rather unprecedented and unknown directions. It has never been so vital for us to understand the interactions among humans and […]

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Current employment opportunities: Safety and Ergonomics Consultant Established in 1981, DohrmannRead More ►

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Certified Professional Ergonomist The latest events on ergonomics and humanRead More ►

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