HFESA PD – Sharpening your writing skills as a HF Professional with Deborah Loats

25/03/2024 @ 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm – A core skill of a human factors professional is writing. In most cases it must cater to a range of audiences, with different levels human factors knowledge, within a prescribed scope and format, all within a ridiculous timeframe! In the transport industry, this can be further complicated with lots of technical jargon, endless acronyms and […]

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Health SIG News

Welcome to our new VIC Representatives to the Health SIGRead More ►

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Mastering Systems Human Factors and Ergonomics: A Methods Masterclass Series

10/09/2024 – 11/09/2024 @ All Day – Want to put Human Factors and Ergonomics (HFE) and systems thinking into practice in your work? Are you interested in learning key systems HFE methods? Traditional strategies for managing safety and improving work design are reaching the limits of their effectiveness. In order to achieve organisational objectives, we must acknowledge that outcomes in complex systems […]

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HFESA PD – Ethical and practical considerations in using artificial intelligence for healthcare

29/04/2024 @ 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm – Overview: Artificial intelligence (AI) broadly refers to interrelated technologies that can perform tasks normally requiring human intelligence. In healthcare, AI has the potential to improve diagnostic accuracy, personalise therapeutic management and augment skills of healthcare workers. However, AI has also been subject to increasing ethical scrutiny. This presentation offers an overview of the ethical and […]

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Artificial General Intelligence – Challenges for the Future of Work

Through 2023, the International Ergonomics Association (IEA) ran an onlineRead More ►

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Emerging Researchers and Practitioners in Human Factors in Healthcare – IEA webinar

01/12/2023 @ 4:00 pm – 5:30 pm – The goal of this webinar series is to showcase excellent projects in Human Factors in Healthcare done by Early Career Researchers and Practitioners (ECR/Ps) across the IEA network. ECR/Ps are PhD students and those who are within 0 to 5 years post-PhD (including career interruptions) or practitioners who have been working in Human Factors in […]

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A Personal Journey in Human Centred Design

The Humans Factors and Ergonomic Society of Australia (HFESA) hasRead More ►

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Technology Adoption in Manufacturing and Usability Testing

The Humans Factors and Ergonomic Society of Australia (HFESA) hasRead More ►

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HFE in the Flight Deck Simulator

The Humans Factors and Ergonomic Society of Australia (HFESA) hasRead More ►

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ECS SIG Human Factors and Ergonomics Networking Night

26/10/2023 @ 5:30 pm – 8:00 pm – Event Title: Human Factors and Ergonomics Networking Night Event Date: 26th Oct 2023 5:30pm – 8:00pm (face to face only) Venue: Function Room 6, Roundhouse, UNSW, Kensington Campus Event format: Panel discussion + Q&A   Join us for a night of networking! The privilege to hear key insights from three high calibre leaders, as they […]

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What Is An Ergonomist?

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Human Factors and Ergonomic Standards

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Good Work Design Process

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Good Work Design Publications

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