Jean Mangharam is a consultant ergonomist, human factors specialist, and is also a Certified Professional Ergonomist and Registered Physiotherapist. She is the current Chair of the Professional Affairs Board of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of Australia (HFESA) and an Adjunct Senior Researcher at Curtin University.
She was the Principal Human Factors and Ergonomics Scientific Officer for WorkSafe WA between 2005-2020, leading a multidisciplinary team that worked across all domains of human factors and ergonomics through education, partnership and enforcement.
Jean’s primary aim is to lead and be part of an international community that journeys through designing environments, products and systems that are not only aesthetically pleasing but also functional, comfortable, inclusive, socially responsible and environmentally sustainable.
Please join us for our first WA branch HFESA meeting on 29th march 2023 for a brief talk and social get together. This will a Perth-based, Face-to-Face Event.
Our first talk (40 mins) will provide a summary of the HFESA 2022 conference that took place in the Macedon Ranges, Victoria.
The talk will mention:
• The joys from our first face to face national conference since covid
• Take away messages from a keynote speech
• Exciting new research
• Impressive talks by leaders and up-and-coming HFE specialists
• Plans for our profession
• Invitation to HFESA 2023
Please note this is a face to face event only.
Where: Ergolink – Unit 18/82 Erindale Rd, Balcatta WA 6021
When: Wednesday 29th March 2023
Time: 5:30pm-6pm (WA time): Doors open/Networking
6pm-6:40pm: Presentation
6:40pm-7pm: Q&A
7pm-7:30pm: Nibbles/Networking
7:30pm-8pm: Pack Up
Free – HFESA Members
$30 – Non-members
Bookings are closed for this event.