
Proceed as if success is inevitable

The Humans Factors and Ergonomic Society of Australia (HFESA) hasRead More ►

Posted on by Secretariat

Transport SIG PD: Human Factors Integration For Major Road Tunnel Project

08/08/2023 @ 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm – Major tunnel projects impact three major stakeholder groups: operators, maintainers, and motorists, therefore the design must carefully consider each of these groups in terms of the physical and cognitive ergonomics of the tunnel and control systems and how to design for driver behaviour during normal and degraded operations. Over several major projects in Australia, a […]

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Good Work Design is a Journey

The Humans Factors and Ergonomic Society of Australia (HFESA) hasRead More ►

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Keynote Speaker:  Professor Jill Dorrian – HFESA National Annual Conference

The Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of Australia (HFESA) willRead More ►

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Content Area

Posted on by Mark Drysdale


IEA NewsBrief: March 2023

The March edition of the IEA news brief contains theRead More ►

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2024 HFESA Conference

ABOUT THE CONFERENCE Join us in Brisbane from 25 toRead More ►

Posted on by Mark Drysdale


Notice to potential Certified Professional Ergonomists (CPEs) The Human FactorsRead More ►

Posted on by Mark Drysdale

HFESA 2023 Conference

19/11/2023 – 22/11/2023 @ All Day – Planning is well underway for the annual National HFESA Conference 2023 held in Adelaide, South Australia at the Adelaide Convention Centre from 19th – 22nd November. The conference theme is: Value and Vitality – Realising the Impact of Human Factors & Ergonomics Call for papers will be coming in February 2023! It’s time to start […]

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Human Factors in Anaesthesia – a narrative review

Anaesthesia – 2023 – Kelly – Human factors in anaesthesiaRead More ►

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Good Word Design Recordings

Good Work Design – the benefits for people – Kath Jones,Read More ►

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Good Work Design Long

Good Work Design in the post-COVID workplace – Press ReleaseRead More ►

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Road safety Submission and resources

Road safety Submission and resources Inquiry into Road Safety SubmissionRead More ►

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Program of work on optimising medication-related computerised alerts in electronic medical records

Program of work on optimising medication-related computerised alerts in electronicRead More ►

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Human Factors Guide to Incident Investigation

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Principles and guidelines for human factors/ergonomics (HFE) design and management of work systems—ed_dialogue/—lab_admin/documents/publication/wcms_826596.pdf

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Translating Evidence into Practice – Human Factors Challenges and Design of Work

11/08/2022 @ 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm – NSW PD: Translating Evidence into Practice – Human Factors Challenges and Design of Work This interactive event will present the work of three PhD candidates whose research has been motivated by their professional practice and interest in translating evidence into practice. Each presenter will provide an overview of their research prior to inviting discussion and […]

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What is Ergonomics?

Definition and Applications The word ergonomics —“the science of work” — isRead More ►

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Managing Work During the Pandemic

Managing Work During the Pandemic – A Perspective of theRead More ►

Posted on by Secretariat